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Your Mini Split Installation Experts in Phoenix, AZ

A ductless air conditioning system, also called a mini split air conditioning system, can be a lifesaver when you don’t have the ducts already done in your home and you don’t want to commit to doing all the ductwork, as not only does it take a lot of time but can also be very expensive depending on the size of your home.

Since we at Meadow Air understand that not everyone’s home has the necessary conditions for a ducted AC, we are also experienced in mini split installations in Phoenix, AZ. If you want to keep each room in your home cool during those sometimes brutal Arizona summers, we are the best place to call.

Reliable Ductless Mini Split Phoenix, AZ, Installation

Choosing the mini split AC model is one thing, but you also need to consider who will be installing it. Picking the right installation crew will guarantee that you can fully relax while they install your new system and ensure your family has a comfortable environment throughout the summer.

At Meadown Air, we have years of experience dealing with a number of air conditioning systems, and that includes mini split installation. Our expert team of technicians worked with a plethora of companies in their professional lifetime, including popular brands such as Carrier, Goodman and York. It’s this hands-on experience that allows us to work quickly and efficiently.

Get in touch with us, schedule an installation appointment, and make sure your AC is in good hands.

Get In Touch With Us for Expert Phoenix AC Tune-Up

The Benefits of Installing a Mini Split AC System

Although deciding whether or not to install an air conditioning system in general can be hard, the truth is that, usually, the pros significantly outweigh the cons – especially when it comes to ductless mini split systems in Phoenix, AZ.


Double Function

Most AC systems, whether they’re a mini split AC or a ducted AC system, have both cooling and heating options. This ensures your family not only has a comfortable and cool environment to come back to every day during the summer but can also enjoy the warmth and coziness in winter without the need to install another system.

Moisture Removal

Have your house been experiencing moisture and humidity issues? Then, a mini split AC system installation might be exactly what you need to address them. An AC system will help keep the humidity level in each room it is installed in at a good level, minimizing the risk of mold and other moisture-related problems.

Zoned HVAC

This is an undeniable advantage of a mini split AC system in particular. A mini split AC gives you a so-called zoned HVAC, meaning that rather than keeping your whole home at the same temperature, you can separate it into zones (usually separate rooms) and adjust the environment there to your liking. This is an ideal solution if you have family members who have different preferences in terms of indoor temperature.

Increased Air Quality

Ducts, although a more traditional option for air conditioners, can often accumulate things like debris and allergens that, when you start your AC, get released into your indoor air and will continue to do so until you clean them. With a mini split AC, there are no ducts, meaning there’s no place for the “bad stuff” to hide and negatively affect your air quality.

Why Choose Meadow Air for Mini Split Installation in Phoenix, AZ

Experienced Professionals

As one of the leading air conditioning and heating companies in the Arizona market and beyond, at Meadow Air, we pay very special attention to the people we add to our team. This allowed us to create a crew of highly qualified and EPA-certified technicians ready to help you with all of your HVAC-related needs.

Competitive Pricing

At Meadow Air, we believe that access to professional HVAC system care should be available to as many people as possible. That's why we try to keep our prices as competitive as possible while still providing the same great quality of service. Each situation is unique, however, so to know how much exactly you will have to pay, please get in touch with us for a precise estimate.

Efficient and Quick Service

Over the years, our technicians have mastered their techniques to make the mini split installation process as quick and efficient as possible. And if your situation requires immediate assistance, we have same-day emergency HVAC service available – our technicians can be with you as soon as today, depending on the severity of your case.

What Our Customers Say About Meadow Air Phoenix Mini AC Split Installation Services

Call Meadow Air Today for Your Mini Split Installation Services in Phoenix, AZ!

Get in touch with us and ensure the mini split installation in your Phoenix, AZ, home goes without any issues. With years of experience, you can trust our team to get the job done quickly and efficiently while still providing great customer service – after all, customer satisfaction is our top priority. Whether you’re in need of AC maintenance and repair, AC replacement or AC installation, Meadow Air has you covered.