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It’s frustrating when your AC breaks down just when you need it most. The airflow weakens, and the air isn’t as cool as it should be. There may have been signs your HVAC system was struggling, but you trusted your AC to keep you comfortable this summer—until it couldn’t anymore.

As it turns out, one of the common reasons for AC repairs is the motor and, in most cases, the replacement of this vital component. Whether your AC motor has failed and you started saving for a new one, or it is about to kick the bucket, you must be wondering what the air conditioner motor replacement cost is. Let’s find out!

What Is the Cost to Replace AC Fan Motor?

The cost to replace the fan motor on the AC unit ranges from $100 to $700. This is a price estimate for an AC motor only if the warranty has expired. If we include labor, some technicians charge as little as $100.

While it may not seem like a high investment cost, other necessary components may spike up the price. If a compressor that prevents your motor from overheating by cooling the refrigerant breaks down, you may expect to deduct up to $1,600 or more for both parts.

We can’t stress more how important checking your HVAC system is. You can extend the lifespan of your AC motor by scheduling regular maintenance with Meadow Air. We’ll ensure your AC unit stays in top condition.

Factors That Influence the Fan Motors for AC Unit Price

It’s difficult to tell the exact cost of replacing the AC motor as there are numerous factors to take into consideration, including the condition of your HVAC system. However, knowing what may increase the price will certainly help you plan your budget when you suspect your motors won’t last long.

Type of Motor

There are as many AC motors as there are AC brands, and as you know, some are budget-friendly while others can be quite costly. It’s no surprise that brands known for high-performing AC units come with a higher price tag.

Motor Capacity

The higher the motor capacity, the more you will have to pay for it. At the same time, you are paying for a better-performing component that will maintain your home’s comfort temperature no matter the weather outside. Obviously, you may opt for a cheaper alternative, but the efficiency may not be as satisfying. The choice is yours.

System Compatibility

Unfortunately, it may not be possible to buy any AC motor and install it into your HVAC system. This may result in other issues that may appear over time due to the incompatibility of the components. It’s always best to check with the manufacturer to avoid additional costs.

Warranty Coverage

If your AC unit is still under warranty, the good news is that you will only have to pay for labor costs and not a cent more. However, if the motor failure is no longer covered by a manufacturer, you will have to pay out of pocket.

Other Repairs

During an AC unit inspection, it’s possible that not just the motor needs replacement, which could lead to additional costs. A failed motor might damage other components, making them inoperable, or uncover hidden issues that require urgent attention.

What Are the Signs You May Need to Replacement an AC Motor?

The most obvious sign that your AC motor needs to be replaced is the sound it makes. Hence, passing by your AC unit outdoors may help you identify the problem early on and prevent the potential damage of other costly components.

  • Rattling: A rattling noise coming from your AC may indicate that some of its components are loose or about to break down. The banging sound is a red flag that there is some debris caught inside and needs immediate cleaning.
  • Screeching: A screeching noise may happen if some metal parts come into contact with other metal components, damaging either other even further. In the AC unit, the noise usually comes from the bearings. The AC fan motor bearings cost may not be high but it’s still an additional expense to include.

If you notice your AC unit is acting up, underperforming, and making a lot of noise, it’s about time to have it inspected and its components changed.

How to Extend the Shelf Life of Your Fan Motor

If the AC motor replacement cost scares you, we are here to share some practical tips to prevent a failure and extend the shelf life of your AC.

Prioritize Regular AC Maintenance

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again—scheduling regular maintenance for your AC is crucial. It saves you money in the long run and ensures you won’t be left sweating on a hot summer day.

Our expert technicians recommend seasonal inspections to ensure your HVAC system can cool your home to your ideal temperature.

If there are any issues, the Meadow Air team can tackle them before the heat wave comes.

Replace Air Filters

Maintenance is a good way to determine what is making your HVAC system overwork. In most cases, dirty air filters, among other minor issues, prevent airflow. Hence, replacing them is a good solution to ease the workload and keep your AC unit working smoothly.

Keep Your AC Unit Clean

If your AC unit is placed under trees, there is a high chance of leaves and other debris falling inside and dust building up in the fan. This is a direct threat to our AC and its motor, leading to lower efficiency and potential yet avoidable breakdowns. That’s why it’s a good idea to keep the area around your air conditioning unit clean from any anomalies.

HVAC Motor Replacement Cost – Final Words

The air conditioner motor replacement cost ranges depending on the make and model of the component, its capacity, and compatibility with your AC unit. Overall, the price may reach $700 for a motor alone; however, if there is additional damage to fix, the total expense may be a shocking $1,600 or even more.

Although it is possible to detect the problem early on by the sound your AC unit makes, it’s always better to invest in maintenance to avoid unwanted surprises when the hot season starts.

Follow our practical tips to keep your air conditioning working smoothly and efficiently, and if a problem arises, the Meadow Air team is always ready to tackle it in Phoenix, AZ.